Integrate with ease, Through a Powerful API and a stable Technology Stack. Bridge the gap
between Marketing and Technology. PersonaClick allows marketers to focus their
business rather than focus infrastructure.
Our suite of back-end and developer tools enable innovation, while our secure
environment allows you to operate with confidence.
Let PersonaClick Technology Do the Work for You
Our suite of back-end and developer tools enable innovation, while our secure
environment allows you to operate with confidence.
Boost Results
Get 20x higher uplifts in revenue per visitor than traditional personalization with PersonaClick’s Programmatic Experience Technology
Seamless Deployment
Unlike some marketing cloud implementations
we can be operational in under a month,
bridging the gaps in your existing tech stack
You will easily deploy unique
experiences through
Upscale Targeting
Experiences that leverage PersonaClick’s
segments are 46% more effective
than sitewide changes
Customers can increase 8x ROI after
6 months with revenue uplifts
up to 6% - %7
Broad Understanding
PersonaClick ties explicit customer feedback
to their behavior, giving you a broader
picture about your audience.
The Science Behind Technology Infrastructure
PersonaClick is a technology-leading IT company creating and developing PersonaClick Experience Marketing Suite; An incredible cutting-edge solution for real-time personalization, machine learning and applied the statistical and semantic analysis of living being’s behavior.
We make sure every online store provides every visitor with the dream product this person has been looking for, and every display Ad generates an immediate must-buy. We are pros in Big Data, Small Data, Progressive Personalization, Architectural solutions for High-load systems and Data Visualization.
We deduce a visitor’s gender in two on-site clicks and the type of his dog in three. We determine the age of his wife and the clothing size of his mistress (and not only that). We’ve got one of the fastest real-time personalization platform; Blazing 50ms per request of the candidate products for product recommendations, with NO-CACHING. Competitors can provide 300ms at best.
We use Ruby, Java, Apache Mahout, NGINX (not only as a proxy server), Postgres-XL, Redis, RabbitMQ, SphinxSearch, Slim, Sass and a lot of other frontier tools to maintain a top-notch technology stack.